Hi! I’m Shan Jiang 江山 (he/him). I’m a Research Scientist at Reality Labs,
Meta, working on reliable and private conversational AI assistant.
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Northeastern University, advised by
Christo Wilson. My thesis measures the misinformation ecosystem from its players’ behaviors, e.g., how storytellers manipulate information [ACL’21], how audiences respond to it [ICWSM’20, CSCW’18], and how platforms intervene in the middle [AAAI’20, ICWSM’19].
My research interests broadly lie between NLP/NLU and social issues. I have spent some time at Google AI on extracting structured information from fact-checking articles [WWW’20], at
Dataminr on modeling crisis events [AISG’19], and at
Facebook on detecting illicit trades.